Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ridge Quilter's Guild Show

The above photos are just a few of the many quilts that were displayed at the show. These just happen to catch my eye. The bottom photo is of me and my friend Sharon.

How can I put it nicely.....the quilts were nice and the members were very nice. Would I do this show again...probably not. I suppose I will have to blame it on the economy. I don't think people realize how much time and effort goes into setting up a booth for a show. Also, it's my personal feeling that Guild members need to support the vendors. The booth fee that we as vendors pay enables the Guild to hold their show. It's our money that pays for the facility. The lesson here is that you have to take the good with the bad. Even though the show was not profitable, I was able to see a new part of our State that I probably would never have seen if it hadn't been for the show. I was able to network with other vendors, visit with vendors/friends that do a lot of the same shows and meet new vendors.

One great thing about today was that I was able to visit with my long time friend, Sharon who lives in Grass Valley. We worked together at Quilter's Paradise in Clovis, CA many moons ago. Seeing her made it all worth the trip!

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